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Powerhouse Gym Highland Park

7.8 / 10

open now, until 22:00

Gym/Physical fitness centre  
This is where it all started....the ORIGINAL POWERHOUSE GYM!! Brothers, William and Norman founded Powerhouse Gym in 1975 in Highland Park, Michigan. Powerhouse Gym quickly became known as the place to train for professional athletes such as Tommy “Hitman” Hearns, Hector, Samir Bannout, Tom Platz and countless others. Now, Powerhouse Gym Highland Park, the goal is simple to give you the tools and guidance needed to get in the best shape of your life! In addition, we provide the best equipment and a motivated staff to keep you focused and on track. Read more

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Popularity of Powerhouse Gym Highland Park

Powerhouse Gym Highland Park Social Media Popularity Score:
7.8 / 10
  This value is based on the number of visitors, checkins, and likes on Facebook in the last few months.
Most activity in December:
Powerhouse Gym Highland Park has a total of 30984 visitors (checkins) and 2329 likes.
20 reviews of Powerhouse Gym Highland Park. Average grade 4.5 av 5.